The Curriculum “Social entrepreneurship youth work for a sustainable future with less conflict” is an innovative resource for youth trainers / educators to organise an 8-day long training course and educate youth workers (current and future ones) to further develop organisational culture, mentoring and workshops for NEET youth / women on the topic of social entrepreneurship start-ups for sustainable development and peace building. It consists of detailed session descriptions.
Specific objectives of the training course are:
▪ To exchange local realities about social entrepreneurship for sustainable development and peace building;
▪ To explore peace building and sustainable development and how to connect it to youth work;
▪ To introduce the participants with the basic principles of non-formal education and its implementation in youth work;
▪ To learn about the Entrepreneurial learning and how to implement it within the framework of youth work;
▪ To understand the concept of the new era entrepreneurship and what that means for the youth workers and educators;
▪ To raise awareness of the importance of developing entrepreneurial intelligence and mind-set among youth;
▪ To learn about social, ethical and green enterprises;
▪ To learn about social entrepreneurship n connection to sustainable development and peace building;
▪ To learn about good practices of using social entrepreneurship for sustainable development and peace-building;
▪ To understand who is a social entrepreneur and which competences he/she should develop;
▪ To define basic concepts and values with defining stakeholders and supporters of social entrepreneurship;
▪ To develop workshops on the topic of social entrepreneurship for youth work activities and programmes.
The training course is based on the principles and methods of non-formal education. It consists of interactive methods to meet the learning needs of the participants including: theoretical input; individual / group activities; group challenges, presentations, role play; case studies; discussions; etc.
„Jugendarbeit für soziales Unternehmertum für eine nachhaltige Zukunft mit weniger Konflikten“ – innovative Ressource für Jugendtrainer zur Organisation eines 7-tägigen Schulungskurses und Jugendarbeiter (aktuelle und zukünftige) ausbilden, um die Organisationskultur, Mentoring und Workshops für NEET-Jugendliche (Frauen) zum Thema Soziales weiterzuentwickeln unternehmerische Start-ups. Es wird aus detaillierten Sitzungsdesigns sowie Anhängen und anderen erforderlichen Materialien für einfachere Multiplikationszwecke bestehen.
Es wird das Bestehende bereichern Ausbildungsmodelle und Lehrpläne für die Jugendarbeit mit innovativen Online-Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten für die Jugendarbeit innerhalb des Themas.