FIGHTing Youth Unemployment through Digital Skills and Interactive Education
Project Overview
Project: FIGHTing Youth Unemployment through Digital Skills and Interactive Education
Duration: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2025
Reference Nr. 2024-1-DE02-KA210-VET-
Grant Amount: 60,000 EUR
Donor: Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
What's About
The FIGHT-DIGIT project focuses on equipping VET educators and unemployed young people with the necessary tools to thrive in the digital economy. The key outcome will be the development of a comprehensive curriculum for virtual assistant skills and entrepreneurship, addressing a critical gap in the current vocational training offerings.
The curriculum will be designed to empower VET educators with innovative methods to teach digital skills and self-employment opportunities. This will be complemented by two interactive, gamified online courses aimed at youth, helping them to enhance their employability in the digital sector, particularly as virtual assistants. The project will also focus on local training activities, providing hands-on experience to both educators and unemployed individuals.
FIGHT-DIGIT aims to bridge the gap between vocational education and labor market needs by:
- Raising capacities: Empowering vocational education and training (VET) educators to deliver innovative, digital-focused curricula that enhance youth employability.
- Developing a comprehensive curriculum: Focused on virtual assistant skills and entrepreneurship to prepare young people for the evolving demands of the digital workplace.
- Interactive online courses: Creating gamified, engaging courses to help unemployed young people build the skills necessary for self-employment and digital jobs.
The Objectives
- Local training courses: Held in Germany, Croatia, and Estonia, these courses will provide hands-on training for 45 VET educators, equipping them with the tools to teach digital skills.
- Online learning courses: Two interactive courses will be launched, focusing on virtual assistant work and entrepreneurial development.
- Multiplier conferences: Local events in each partner country will share the project’s results with VET educators and unemployed youth, ensuring long-term impact.
Our Partners:
The project is a collaboration between:
- Youth Power Germany e.V.,
- Pannonia Consulting / Croatia
- Learning Library / Estonia.