WELLHOODY is working to enable and ensure the inclusion of all young people in society. The Youth Strategy 2019-2027 recognises the need to ensure that marginalised young people are participating in all decision-making processes and are key players, particularly in processes concerning their own rights, wellbeing and interests.
Project: Wellbeing in Diverse Youth communities
Duration: 01.03.2022 – 30.06.2024
Reference Nr. 2021-2-SE02-KA220-YOU-000049948
Grant Amount: 304,770 EUR
Donor: Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society – Swedish national Agency
EU-wide, youth who are either foreign-born or who are native-born with foreign-born parents account for one in five of 15 to 34-year-olds (OECD/EU, 2018). Their population share is increasing in virtually all EU countries, although their size and composition vary greatly across countries, reflecting countries’ different migration histories. They are one of the most at-risk groups in terms of social exclusion for multiple reasons: lack of economic resources, skills that don’t match employment opportunities and cultural differences; the attitudes of host country citizens, and sometimes outright displays of discrimination.
Youth well-being is one of the most important EU agendas and is at the core of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. We know that being part of an engaging community gives us a sense of belonging. Researchers at the University of Manchester say diversity is associated with higher social cohesion and greater tolerance of each other’s differences.
The WELLHOODY project will enable community wellbeing through youth learning and produce wider social benefits. Youth learning rooted in utilising the power of diversity will encourage all community members to become pursuers of mutual wellbeing while nurturing acceptance and inclusion in terms of diversity.
WELLHOODY is working to enable and ensure the inclusion of all young people in society. The Youth Strategy 2019-2027 recognises the need to ensure that marginalised young people are participating in all decision-making processes and are key players, particularly in processes concerning their own rights, wellbeing and interests (Goal 3).At the same time, Goal 4 is to achieve better mental wellbeing and end stigmatisation of mental health issues, thus promoting the social inclusion of all young people.
Partners in this project are:
Folkuniversitetet – Sweden
Momentum – Ireland
Outside Media – Germany
Youth Power Germany e.V. – Germany
Dramblys – Spain
LeLaba – France
European e-learning Institute – Denmark
WELLHOODY will reach young people en masse by equipping youth and community educators with an inclusive learning pathway, facilitating the creation of diverse and resilient youth communities.
1. GOOD PRACTICE GUIDE: Youth Participation and Wellbeing in Diverse Communities (reaching 500+youth educators) A guide which researches, collects and presents 20 good practices of youth participation in diverse communities that have significant positive outcomes for life satisfaction, inclusion and wellbeing.
Youth groups will be motivated to learn, participate, collaborate and socialise. Youth educators will benefit from a new evidence-based education resource and approach to engage the described combination of youth learners. Society will benefit from great knowledge of how to inspire diverse communities towards common wellbeing.
2. OERs – WELLHOODY Open Education Resources will encourage youth/community educators to take responsibility for wellbeing of young people and recognise/promote the strengths and benefits that being part of a diverse community brings. The resources will be user friendly and wherever possible bite-sized communication and video formats will be used, for maximum engagement, ease of use and access. (reach: 500+ YOUTH LEARNERS and additional 50+10 youth educators in the lifetime)
A set of OERs, in accessible forms such as videos, audio and reading materials that work in tandem with practical methods of teaching. A FACILITATORS GUIDE for youth educators will be created to enable them to get the most out of their knowledge delivery to learners in the process.
The OERs, course and guide will be highly TRANSFERABLE, as resources can be shared and have a universal appeal to learners of all ages. The facilitators guide can also be used by educators in HEI, VET or school settings. ALL PR2 results will be available in English, Swedish, Spanish, German, French securing transferability to wider EU audiences.
3. WELLHOODY YOUTH Connectors – one in each partner region (except technical partner’s region, but will have dissemination reach there too) will be developed during the timeline of the project. The Connector Club will be created with the participation of associate partners, members of the diverse community with the help of youth educators. Action plans will differ in different regions, according to each Connector’s specific needs. This result will be based around 2 main steps:
1. A comprehensive Network Guide, which will assist in the creation of our WELLHOODY Connector Clubs and ensure widespread uptake of this approach in recruiting young people, from native communities and migrant backgrounds. (will beownloaded 300+ times)
2. Creation and launch 5 WELLHOODY Connector Clubs recruiting young people, in inclusive environments that foster equity and equality, and that are responsive to the needs of the wider community, building youth participation, social ties and thus the wellbeing- 150 members
4. WELLHOODY Platform and Online Course (will engaging 1000+ people) – In addition to providing the materials, methodologies, tools, processes and learning resources, the platform will allow for international collaboration and peer to peer learning. It will enable collaboration between all kinds of actors and institutions involved in youth work and inclusion allowing for knowledge exchange with multiple stakeholders.
The platform also plays a central role within our wider exploitation strategy, which seeks to maximise our impact and replication of results and outcomes from this project. The platform will increase engagement with the wider