Youth Power Germany

Critical Thinking and Participation as a Foundation of Democracy in Europe “CritiDE”

Project Overview

CritiDe is a project that aims to enhance the capacities of participating organizations, their local partners, and youth workers in the areas of critical thinking, youth activism in democratic processes, and media literacy skills. This will be accomplished through the creation and delivery of educational trainings for youth workers, as well as the development of educational handbooks and workshops. Additionally, an educational platform will be established, offering practical handbooks and online courses that provide guidance on adapting materials to the specific needs of local communities and the work of youth workers, educators, and professors. All consortium partners share a focus on working with young people, including those facing fewer opportunities, on topics such as social inclusion, democracy promotion, EU values, media literacy, and the development of innovative digital youth work methodologies and resources.


Project name: Critical thinking and participation as a foundation of democracy in Europe

Project acronym: CRITIDE

Project nr. 101051999

Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Project Duration:  01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023

Amount Granted: 286.330,00 €

What's About

The passive attitude of young people to participate in democratic activities and processes, lack of skills and knowledge of youth workers on how to equip young people with skills and knowledge needed for a critical approach to democracy and media literacy connected to the democratic processes, lack of trust of young people in democracy and democratic values (especially visible in the Western Balkan region) are the main reasons behind the work of partners in developing and creating the CritiDe project (shortcut for the full project name: “Critical thinking and participation as a foundation of democracy in Europe”).


Based on the needs assessment, research and publications from all partner countries, the proposal is focused on raising the level of political and media literacy of young people, learning about democracy, the rule of law and values, and exploring how to become active citizens,


having in mind not only elections but also a broader set of actions: campaigning, demonstrating, volunteering, and engaging in political parties or NGOs.


CritiDe as a project aims to raise the capacities of participating organisations and their local partners, as well as youth workers; in the fields of critical thinking and activism of young people in democratic processes and the development of media literacy skills. This will be achieved through the development and delivery of educational trainings for youth workers and the development of educational handbooks and workshops.


An educational platform containing developed practical handbooks and an online learning course on how to use and adapt materials to the specific needs of local communities and the work of youth workers/educators/professors; will be developed. The platform will further provide opportunities to contact local organisations as focal points and resource centres.


The project focuses on these thematic areas/specific objectives: political participation and dialogue with decision-makers; inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities; democracy, rule of law and values.


Partners on this project are:


  • Youth Power Germany e.V. (Germany) – Project Applicant
  • Ringspil 8 / Carousel 8 (Croatia)
  • Snaga Mladih/ Youth Power (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • NVO “Glas“(Montenegro)






  • Raising competences and skills of youth workers across four partner countries and partner organisations for development, implementation and evaluation of youth work activities and programs focused on democracy, political participation and media literacy of young people in local communities through LTTA 1: Active political participation, engagement in democratic processes and LTTA 2: Media literacy; on which 30 participants per LTTA will be involved (total of 60 participants, including trainers, experts and staff).


  • Improving and raising existing capacities of project partners for development implementation and evaluation of local and international projects focused on active youth participation in democratic processes and media literacy through follow-up activities after LTTA 1 and LTTA 2, on which 20 participants from each of the four partners will be involved (total 160 participants in the follow-up activities).


  • Develop the competency framework for youth workers for the education of young people on topics of democracy, political participation and media literacy through the development and publication of Handbook 1: Active political participation, engagement in democratic and Handbook 2: Media literacy, which will be used in follow-up activities (20 participants per partner), dissemination activities (40 participants per partner) and will be available on Educational platform.


  • Develop the competency framework of youth workers for development, implementation and evaluation of online-based campaigns and use of digital tools for online campaigning through LTTA 3: Digital tools and online campaigning, and online course on the educational platform, open and accessible to everyone.


  • To develop further EU and Western Balkan partnerships on topics of democracy, political participation and media literacy through the development of an Educational platform which will contain developed Handbooks and educational materials; digital tools for e-participation and e-democracy, online course on how to use Handbooks and materials to develop, implement and evaluate workshops for youngsters, an overview of the political system in all four partner countries.


  • Engage in intensive dissemination & exploitation activities of newly produced products and engage at least 240 participants (with a particular focus on higher engagement of NEET and fewer opportunity youngsters) to our youth work activities focused on topics of democracy, active political participation and media literacy; through but not limited to use of digital tools and online campaigns.


The Objectives

Project RESULT

Visit our “Resources” section to find the educational Material developed within this project and explore our learning platform to participate in the online course we have developed.


 Click in the picture to access the CritiDE online platform. 

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