Youth Power Germany

Accreditation Project

Project Overview

Accredited projects in the field of youth are carried out by organisations holding a valid Erasmus Youth accreditation. Each of these organisations commits itself to comply with the Erasmus Youth Quality standards and to deliver high-quality mobility activities in the field of youth.

Project: Accredited project in the field of youth. 

Duration: 01.06.2023 – 31.08.2024

Reference Nr. 2020-1-DE04-KA150-YOU-000020967

Grant Amount: 727.180,00€  – Year activity code – 2023-1-DE04-KA151-YOU-000112480

Donor: Jugend für Europa – German National Agency

What's About

At Youth Power Germany e.V., we firmly believe in the transformative potential of cross-border exchanges and collaborations.


We recognize the invaluable role that the Accreditation project plays in facilitating these opportunities. It not only broadens our horizons but also enables us to consistently implement learning mobility activities.


As an organization committed to continuous learning and international cooperation, the accreditation is a crucial tool for us. The Accreditation reaffirms our commitment to providing meaningful and enriching experiences for young individuals, while adhering to international standards.


With this accreditation, our goal is to continue our mission of creating diverse opportunities and unlocking new experiences for the youth.


– strengthen the personal and professional development through non-formal and informal learning mobility activities;


– foster the empowerment, their active citizenship and participation in democratic life;


– foster quality development of youth work at local, regional, national, European and international level by building the capacity of organisations active in the youth field and supporting the professional development of youth workers;


– promote inclusion and diversity, intercultural dialogue and the values of solidarity, equal opportunities and human rights among young people in Europe.


The objectives of the projects can be achieved through the planning and implementation of the following activities: youth exchanges and youth workers professional development activities.

The Goal

Project RESULT

Take a look at our booklet and follow our activities! 

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